
3/3 | Our inspiration by D.A.A Lourens

Fundación Casa Wabi Headquarters by Taller de Arquitectura X / Alberto Kalach, Mexico

Fundación Casa Wabi Headquarters by Taller de Arquitectura X / Alberto Kalach, Mexico

One of our favorite architects; Tadao Ando "I dont believe architecture has to speak too much. It should remain silent and let nature in the guise of sunlight and wind."
Confirming, thus its not all about what we see, but greatly also what we feel.

Lets elaborate.
Effects of EM® in construction; enhancement of function of any building, its preservative character to materials and reducing of bad influences.

#studioDLad #ArchitectureCuraçao #Architecture #EffectiveMicroorganisms

2/3 | Our inspiration by D.A.A Lourens

Hotel The Slow, Canggu Bali by Gareth Moody, George Gorrow & Cisco Tschurtschenthaler.

Hotel The Slow, Canggu Bali by Gareth Moody, George Gorrow & Cisco Tschurtschenthaler.

Physiological Effects of Nature Therapy has shown that, "Considering the significance of quality of life in our modern stressful society, the importance of nature therapy will further increase."
There are positive affects with the use of specific materials or color in our living and working environment. This is linked to for instance, color being the language of the soul. By observation, materials as wood have a calming effects (by all senses) due to our physiological functions. 
With application of EM® we shorten that bridge and form a balance in the sense of well-being.

#studioDLad #ArchitectureCuracao #Architecture #EffectiveMicroorganisms


1/3 | Our inspiration by D.A.A Lourens

House in Moriyama by SUPPOSE DESIGN OFFICE Co., Ltd.

House in Moriyama by SUPPOSE DESIGN OFFICE Co., Ltd.

A quote by Thomas Stearns Eliot, "Home is where one starts from”, guides us to our vision on the "re-generative home". This is a place where we, relax and recharge by -among others- designed elements (air, light, greens). In addition, we implement EM® for further enhancement.
#studioDLad #ArchitectureCuraçao #Architecture #EffectiveMicroorganisms